  • High Point 4-stroke Plug Cap and Plug Puller
  • High Point 4-stroke Plug Cap and Plug Puller
  • High Point 4-stroke Plug Cap and Plug Puller
  • High Point 4-stroke Plug Cap and Plug Puller

High Point 4-stroke Plug Cap and Plug Puller


The tool you didn't know you needed.

I used to make these myself for my shop and service work on my lathe from aluminum stock. No more, the guys at High Point made us custom Plug Cap and Plug pullers for our 4strokes. 

Not only is pulling the cap off the plug a pain as we all know, getting the plug itself out of the cap should you insert it to test it on the ignition - even worse as you are always in danger of ruining the plug thread.

This is where this tool comes in, run it over the cap, rotate and pull. The cap is off.

Later on turn the tool around and use the insert thread on its top to pull the plug out of the cap. Highly recommended for any toolbox.