  • Intake Tubes
  • Intake Tubes

Intake Tubes


Intake tubes

Raise the power and reduce the fuel consumption in our preferred rpm range.The acceleration is also greatly improved. We run these on all of our gas engines, especially the 4-stroke kind, let it be radial, opposed twin, inline or single.This will help keep the engine from leaning out in the air due to rapid changes in environmental pressure/ draft.

Toni Clark 18mm Aluminum - 32mm bolt pattern, 18mm opening at carb, 45mm length, 30mm opening at mouth, comes with bolts - fits all Moki, Kolm and Walbro 225 outfitted Valach

Aeroscale 19mm Aluminum red - 32mm bolt pattern, 19mm opening at carb, 54mm length, 44mm opening at mouth - fits all Moki, Kolm and Walbro 225 outfitted Valach

Aeroscale 29mm Aluminum red - 46mm bolt pattern, 29mm opening at carb, 80mm length, 67mm opening at mouth -  for large carburetors (3W, DA and others)